Reiters’ Drill
Reload guns or crossbows on horseback with skill check.
Reload guns or crossbows on horseback with skill check.
Force a bind with your opponent. Successful attack triggers a Bind.
Spend MP after successful cut or thrust to cause automatic slash damage.
Submit or maim your opponent in Grapple.
Catch thrown missiles (only) in the air.
Free Dice on any Enter or Avoid Grapple. Throw attempt without triggering OA
Force a bind with your opponent. Successful attack triggers a bind.
Kick your opponent from a distance. Increased distance for unarmed strike.
Double the defensive bonus of your buckler, and any Active Defense roll ten points higher than your opponent’s attack roll is considered a bind.
Bat darts and javelins out of the air – Use your weapon’s active defense to parry missiles.