Reply To: How accurate were early firearms?

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Hans Hellinger

Yeah, sorry for the delay on your post, and it looks like the XLS or image you attached still didn’t go through yet. Please bear with us we are still working out some kinks with the forum software.

But your point is well taken and I’d love to see your graph. I should have been more clear in my original post – I’d say the Graz tests show us that the weapons were surprisingly accurate, the other shooting tests show us that the soldiers were not. That is more a matter of training than hardware though IMO.

And it’s actually in line with comments I’ve made before about the skill level of a medieval vs. an Early Modern army. The former were much more expensive on a per-man basis, but if we can go by the standards of the medieval Shutzenfest (which itself is something we can’t be sure of) then the medieval marksman was far more accurate.