

Shields are treated as an off-hand defensive weapon. Anyone with the shield proficiency can make an extra Active Defense die roll for their shield. A success means the shield was hit instead of its owner. Shield Construction All-wood and all-metal shields were very rare historically. Though role playing and computer games often depict shields made …

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Ranged Weapons

Missile weapons are those weapons which you throw, launch or shoot. They are often where the fight starts, and they are the best way to attack someone when it’s dangerous to get close. Like when you are hunting a bear, or when you are defending a castle from an invading army. Missile weapons range from …

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Swords and shields can help enormously in protecting you} from personal harm in a sticky situation, but you can only parry so many cuts, and your shield can only block so many attacks. Ultimately, the serious warrior also wore body armor. In the Codex Martialis system: armor is not just there to defend against a …

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Melee Weapons

Many great battles start with a shower of arrows, javelins and stones.} But most fights big or small end up close in, with weapons held tightly in the hand. These are the melee weapons, and they range from the small utility knife to the mighty halberd. The weapon you choose also affects your fighting strategy …

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Robbery at the Zur Höll

This is a very short encounter which takes place in historical Central Europe in the 15th Century. The action takes place in a ‘micro-setting’- within and around an isolated inn in the rural countryside. There are six pre-generated characters included for use with this adventure, two PCs, three villain NPCs, and one neutral NPC (the …

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Armor Swords and shields can help enormously in protecting you} from personal harm in a sticky situation, but you can only parry so many cuts, and your shield can only block so many attacks. Ultimately, the serious warrior also wore body armor. In the Codex Martialis system: armor is not just there to defend against …

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Martial Feats

If the Martial Pool is the core of this system, the Martial Feats are the arms and legs.} These special learned abilities give you extra options in a fight. Which Martial Feats you choose during character development determine where your greatest strengths lie, and what your optimal fighting strategies are likely to be. Many Martial …

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Combat rules

The Martial Pool The Martial Pool is the core of the Codex Martialis fighting system. Each turn, you literally hold your options in your hand, with your dice. It’s up to you how many you allocate to attack, defense, movement, or other acts of desperation or calculation. You alone determine whether to use single dice …

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