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Codex Martialis: Quick Start Guide
Codex Martialis is simply one of the best-written gaming supplements I have ever read.
Jack G. J.
Tome and Tomb
This is now one of the essential books in my toolbox.
If you want to add a healthy dose of “realism” and era appropriate combat to your games, this book is for you.
Mark A.
Wargame Vault
If you’re looking to run a more realistic D&D game, I can highly recommend Codex Martialis.
This document is a fantastic resource and a good read when it comes to the historical use of weapons from all over the world.
Combat is fast and lethal.
If you are looking for a more real approach to fighting still using d20 rules, this is your book.
Alberto G.
This is a fantastic work!
Innovative combat system with so much crunch and nitty-gritty details I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Highly recommended as a rules supplement and as a weapons & armor reference.
Cory T.
hard core, fast-paced, historical combat for OGL 3.5
Make a character with a real martial skillset that makes a difference when you fight. No more waiting for an opportunity to make one attack… move, defend, attack, and attack again all in the same round, without getting bogged down in charts or arithmetic, and without relying on miniatures. Chose your weapons based on your personal fighting strategy, emphasize attack, defense, grappling from a distance, or armor-piercing. Specialize in fighting close-in or far away, with missile weapons or melee.
Hit the ground running with new options that won’t bog down your game. If you want something that feels like a fight in your game, this is it.
New Combat Options based on Renaissance Martial arts
Codex Martialis: Core Rules is a sourcebook of new combat options for your 3.5 OGL game, based on martial-arts manuals from the Renaissance era. This is not another complex damage system or a spreadsheet of tables and formulae, but a fast-paced, cinematic system based directly on the real martial arts of Europe and Asia.
Emphasizing action, combat maneuvers and the deadly interplay of attack and defense with a minimum of complexity, the Codex is designed to make combat fluid, dynamic and intuitive, in order to bring a greater level of immersion and excitement by adding new tactical options to your gaming session.
Written by martial arts practitioners with real-life fighting experience and based on five hundred year old combat manuals penned by the true Masters of the ancient martial arts such as Sigmund Ringeck, Joachim Meyer, Jud Lew, Miyamoto Musashi, Fiore Dei Liberi, and Achille Marozzo, the Codex Martialis is a window from your game into the lethal reality of combat in the ancient world.