For fans of Meyer, di Grassi, and dall’Agocchie, the Wellcome Collection have high-quality scans of Jost Amman’s Stande und Handwerkerbuch from 1568 online Most of the scans on Wikimedia Commons are of much poorer quality.
They don’t seem to have his Künstbuchlin which has more soldiers and other disreputable characters like this fencer.
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Philologus. Reason: Fixed first link
I can’t edit posts more than 5 minutes old. If I copy and paste the link it works, if I click it it brings me back here.
He also has a pair of fencers with dussacks, and a pair with staffs. There was a 1968 Dover reprint of the Künstbuchlin with the title “293 Renaissance Woodcuts for Artists and Illustrators.”
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Philologus. Reason: Added Dover reprint