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- Town vs Gown in 14th Century SilesiaNew blog post on the “Martial Culture in Medieval Towns” academic blog out of Geneva, by yours truly. Short, but intense. Please read it, and if you like it, spread it around. “What happens when …
- Having fun with Siege WarfareA siege in the pre-industrial eras was never fun for the participants. Sieges were often the most bloody, exhausting, and brutal engagements experienced by warriors and civilians of the pre-industrial world, and they haven’t gotten …
- The Gorgeous, multi-purpose Sallet HelmetThe sallet is a type of helmet which began to appear in Central Europe in the late 14th Century, considered to be in the ‘Gothic’ style associated with Latin Christendom from the high to late …
- That sonofabitch TitivillusIn the 13th Century, the Franciscan Johannes Galensis (aka John of Wales) finished his Tractatus de Penitentia, in which he mentioned a particular pest by the name of Titivillus. This miscreant is a demon or …
- Hit Points vs Real Life InjuriesThe following essay is a little gory, so if you are squeamish, skip it. Hit Points vs complex wounds Anyone who has played DnD or a similar role playing game at high levels, knows that …